Monday, October 14, 2013

Basil Lemon Baked Salmon

Happy Monday y'all!

The start of the week is always rough. Today is especially a challenge for me, because we had two extra days off last week for the Fair and only had school for three days! So going back for a full week is going to be tiring.

I've put together for you Clean eaters today a simple, easy, and QUICK recipe that is perfect for rushed or tiring days (like today!) Heck, this is so easy, it doesn't even have to be for dinner. If you've access to a small toaster oven at work, whip this baby up in less than 20 minutes for lunch.

Basil Lemon Baked Salmon
Yields 2 small servings or 1 larger one 

2 (4oz) fillets of salmon (I get frozen, wild caught fillets from my local Aldi)
4-5 fresh basil leaves
squeeze of lemon (add zest if desired)
pinch of black pepper
pinch of sea salt, optional

1) I lay my fillets on a small sheet of foil. I put a leaf or two of basil under the fillets, and the rest on top. Squeeze the lemon juice and seasonings on top.

2) Cover the fillets in the foil (it doesn't have to be completely covered, it is alright if some is showing) and bake in your oven at 400 for about 10-15 minutes.

3) And there you have it folks! You can't tell me you "don't have time" to make this. ;)

What are your favorite ways to eat salmon?

Share your recipes!


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