I love reading the Five Things Fridays on "Fitting it All In" and wanted to give it a shot! I think it is a fun and unique way to give a little versatility to my blog, and to give you guys some insight on my life and thinking.
I won't be doing the exact same format as Clare, but instead just post five things that I find worth sharing! :)
Five New Things I am Trying

I get my license in June, and right now have a learners permit. Watch out Texas... this girl will soon be road-bound!
Macro Counting
I talked about this in a recent post. So far things have been going alright, with a few bumps... for instance, I miscalculated something yesterday and my numbers were a bit off.
Today marks the beginning of my THIRD week counting macros. Lets hope I master the skill soon.

Foam Rolling
No need to explain here! I started a month or so ago to help loosen my muscles, aid in recovery, and overall let me have a farther range of motion to squat and such. So far I am really liking it!
Not Weighing Myself
Okay, so maybe this has not taken full effect yet...
It's a work in progress.
I really am trying to focus more on how I am FEELING versus how much I weigh. It plays with my head too much. I don't know if I have gained muscle (which is ideal) or not, and I can easily get upset. I want to give up the scale for good!
I am SUPER excited to be visiting my best friend Abby from Yes to Yummy in June. I will be traveling for the first time ever and couldn't be more thrilled. I am counting down the days until I get to see Abby and have the best time of my life cooking, learning, and having fun with her!!
Five of my Favorite Foods

Nut butters.
Like, is this even a question? I think I have made it very clear of my nut butter obsession...
Indian food.
I have made own versions before, but they don't really stand against the stuff I get at the Indian or Middle Eastern restaurants. I don't know though, everything Indian over at Everyday Maven seems even better than going out...
Oh geez. I WISH I could just be fruititarian, but I don't think that would do my body any justice. My favorites are bananas, red apples, and most berries. But in all honesty I couldn't care less what kind of fruit it is, I'd eat it!
Sweet potato/winter squash.
Again, many a recipe has been posted here on Clean Eating Teen with acorn squash!! Oh jeez. I TOTALLY fell in love with Kabocha squash... I took that fad and ran with it.

Super unhealthy, artificially sweetened frosting from the Target bakery.
Okay... so I have a secret. Well, I guess not a secret anymore.
But I use to have an addiction. To thick, neon colored, artificially flavored frosting. I remember when I was young, and I would walk into Target and ask for some free frosting that they had leftover from making cakes or whatever.
Of course, I don't eat this NOW! I can totally make my own frosting, which tastes just as great. But the fake stuff will always have a special place in my heart.
Five Songs I've Been Loving
Living Room- Tegan and Sara
If you don't know Tegan and Sara, climb out from under your rock and FIND THEM. The most naturally talented duo I have ever seen... than you Taylor for loving them, and making me love them!
I guess I am late on joining this bandwagon but uh, I get it now!
Talk Dirty- Jason Derulo
I usually hate anything "pop" music related. But for some reason, this song is my jam. Great for leg day!
Dark Horse- 10 Second Song Version
I just found this video via my personal Facebook page and ITS AMAZING!
Cruise- Florida Georgia Line
This song is older than I thought? It came out in 2012 apparently. But in any case, I love the band and think they have a great sound. I am a fan of country in general and this is a nice modern twist on it.
How are you enjoying this Friday?
OMG I got my driver's license when I was 15!! Feels like 80000000 years ago! LOL! It's crazy to think about actually. Ha!
Anddddd I AM OBSESSED with middle eastern food and want to try and make Shawarma at home so badly, however..... I highly doubt I will be able to re-create that deliciousness!
I think it's funny because not alot of people in my family like middle eastern food. My mom's friend is from Pakistan and that kinda started my obsession... no one has really followed me though! Lol.
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