My deadlift bruises. Lol
Back day!
Starter:30 sec eachx3
Mountain Climber
Jumping jacks
Deadlifts: 10x#105, 10x#105, 8x#115, 8x#115, 5-6x#125, 5-6x#125, AMRAP #115
T bar row: 15x# 50x2, 12x#55x2 , 10x#60x2, 8x#65x2, 5-6x#70, 5-6 #75
Back ext with #25 plate 4x12
Single arm row 4x10 ES #20
Cable pulls 4x#50-55
Today was Chest and Conditioning/HIIT. *knocks on wood* I have been progessing with weights nicely these past two weeks! Today I also flipped tires. So thats always fun.
30 seconds battle ropes, 30 second tire flips x20 = 20 minutes
DB Chest Press 3x6 25# DBS 1x10 20# DBS
On knees pushups 4x15
Chest fly: 2x8 20# DBS 2x12 15# DBS
Single Arm cable fly: 2x10 15# 1x10 #10
single arm incline DB press: 3x6-8 20# DB
Cable flies: 3x10,6,5 10# ES total 20#
My wanna be abs. One day!
I did a variation of a Loving Fit workout. Mine looked like this:
20 pass under jump lunge with 20# DB
20 body weight jump lunges
40 DB swings with 20# DB
20 feet on chair hip thrust 20# DB
Start and end with (for 2 total rounds):
12 DBplie squat 20#
12 DBplie squat jump 20#
12 DBregular squat 40#
12 DB squat jump 20#
(8 total rounds in between)
6 side lunges ES 20# DB
6 step ups ES 20# DB
12 jump squat 20# DB
Some power yoga with Bob Harper yoga abs!
LEGS! Better than last week, I think.
Front squat: 5x10 #45 (bar only. Working on mastering form)
Back squat: 5x6 #85,4 #95, 5 #95, 4 #95, 7 #85
12 jump squat with 25# DB between sets
Bulgerian Split Squat: 3x10 ES with 50# TOTAL DB
10 back lunge ES: 3x10 25# TOTAL DB
10 side lunge ES:3x10 25# TOTAL DB
TRX Single leg squat: 3x10 ES
Down the rack dropset leg curl: 3x max 85#
Leg ext down rack dropset/BURNOUT: 1xmax #145
Push press: 1x3 rep at 25#!! 4x10 #20
DB frontal raises x10 (15# DBS)
DB corkscrew press x10 (15#)
AMRAP face pulls (35-40#)
x3 rounds
BB behind the back shrugs x10 (40#DBS)
DB should "L" raises (12#DBS)
AMRAP Shoulder pushups
KB high pulls x10 (30#KB)
DB leaning lateral raises x12 ES (#12)
AMRAP DB bent over reverse flys (#12)
*10 burpees with shoulder press/pushup between each grouping
Same HIIT as last week and some power yoga!
What have you been doing to work out?
Okay, I must know - EVERYTHING - about those pants your wearing!!!! :)
They make your abs look EXTRA HAUGHT!
Awe shucks! I got them at American Eagle. I love their yoga bras and pants. They fit great!
What are your favorite lines for fitness?
Lululemon is a staple in my closet. However, I do really like Athleta and Lorna Janes jackets! :)
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