Check out last weeks workouts here.
Back day!
1x8 110#, 6x8 105#
T bar row
2x12 65#, 2x8 70#, 1x5-6 75#, 2x3 77.5#, 65# AMRAP
Back ext 4x12 25# plate
Single arm row 4x6 25# DB
Cable row 4x8 55#

I LOVE my Target shirt and FILA shorts!
Cheeeeest and HIIT!
20 minutes of Battle Ropes!
4x6 25# DBS, 1xAMRAP 20#
8 Single arm press ES 20# DB
Incline pushup AMRAP
10-12 Single arm cable fly 5# ES
Ending with some abs, including wood chops (a new favorite!)
A mashup of some Loving Fit workouts, again.
Pass jump lunge 20 w 20# DB
20 bw jump lunges
20 feet elevated hip thrust 20# db
40 20# swings
10 single leg burpee ES
10 plie squat 40#
10 plie jumps 20#
10 squat 40#
10 squat jump 20#
10 back and side lunge ES
10 plie squat 40#
10 plie jumps 20#
10 squat 40#
10 squat jump 20#
7 rounds 35 each
2 way leg hop
side lunge and twist
75 minutes Power yoga!
Legs. As requested by Sweats Like A Pig.. I decreased weights and focused on form. But it made me feel like a weenie.
I also squatted without the padding today!
10 ES Single leg burpees 10# DBS
Barbell low squat 70# 3x10, 75# 3x8-10 (?? I keep forgetting exact weight and sets!)
Zurcher squat: 75# 2x10, 80# 2x10
10 TRX Single leg squat ES
10 BSL ES total 50# DBS
20 feet up hip thrusts 25# DB
10 side lunge ES
10 back lunge with back foot kick up ES
Leg ext dropset max 160# x1
Leg curl dropset max 90# x2

Shoulders. For sure feeling this one...
Barbell Push press: 2x5,3 50#!!! 3x5-6 45#
DB frontal raises x10 (15# DBS)
DB corkscrew press x10 (15#)
AMRAP face pulls 30# (focused on feeling the move vs weight)
x3 rounds
DB shrugs x10 (40#DBS)
DB should "L" raises (12#DBS)
AMRAP Shoulder pushups
KB high pulls x10 (30#KB)
DB leaning lateral raises x10 ES (#15)
AMRAP DB bent over reverse flys (#12)
*10 burpees with bicep curl 12# DBS between each grouping
HIIT focused on burpees. Inspired by the latest Pumps and Iron post!
Then, some abs and a bit of yoga.
What workouts did you do this week?
Sweet! I am off to Body Pump this morning. Dying to know who won your NuNaturals giveaway!
Very CUTE shirt!
Thank you girl!! I love fitness clothes. I would stock a whole closet with them if I could.
The winners were just posted, by the way ;)
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