Howdy guys! Today I wanted to share with you a yummy lunch I made for my mom's birthday Sunday.
I have been wanting to try this for a while now. I have seen noodle-free lasagna recipes all over Pinterest...
Anyways, I guess it has been my final elimination of grains and gluten recently that has motivated me to make a more Paleo centered dish. Woo hoo!
I omitted cheese because I am lactose intolerant. I guess it isn't really a "lasagna", with no dairy... but all the flavors were there! Feel free to use a non dairy cheese (I will do this next time I have some on hand), or a high quality, organic cheese made with milk from happy, non GMO cows. :D
Grain Free Sweet Potato Zucchini Lasagna
1 lb lean ground turkey or beef, preferably organic
2 small/medium zucchinis, sliced very thin
2 small sweet potato, sliced very thin
1 5oz small can tomato paste, unsalted
1 large tomato, sliced
1 medium onion, diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
Handful baby spinach
1/3 cup diced bell pepper
TSP garlic powder
TSP red pepper flakes
TSP oregano, dried
TSP sweet basil, dried
1/2 TBSP herb de province
TBSP coconut oil
1/3-1/2 cup water
Non dairy or dairy cheese of choice, if using

1) Melt your coconut oil over meat high heat, and begin cooking your meat with all the seasonings.
2) When the turkey has been cooking about 5 minutes, toss in the onion, garlic, and bell pepper. Saute for a few minutes more.

3) Add in your water and tomato paste. Mix together, and let the pan come to a boil. Immediately lower the heat, cover, and let simmer for 15-20 minutes.

4) In the mean time, prep your layering devices! Slice the zucchini and sweet potato very thin.

5)Begin to layer you lasagna (I used a casserole dish but you can use whatever container you are most comfortable) once to meat is done. You can put both zucchini and sweet potato on each layer, or alternate between the two. Don't forget to add in your spinach and tomato slices in too!

6) Cook uncovered at 450 for 10 minutes. Then, put the cover on, reduce the heat to 300, and cook for another 25.
Let the dish cool off, and you're done!
Others might be picky and find the textures odd, but I actually REALLY liked the savory flavors of the turkey and veggies, paired with the rather sweet, smooth sweet potato.
What have you been eating lately?
What are your favorite ways to modify an unhealthy recipe?
1 comment:
3 Researches SHOW How Coconut Oil Kills Belly Fat.
The meaning of this is that you literally kill fat by eating coconut fats (also coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).
These 3 researches from big medical journals are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world upside down!
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