I am READY for 2014. The past year has brought many wonderful things...
First and foremost...
I Picked Back Up On My Blog!!
I started Clean Eating Teen back in August of 2012. I didn't post much, but this past summer I became super motivated again and really brought this blog back to life. I am so grateful for this, because I have made wonderful memories through writing here and have found an amazing community unlike any other.
Working Out With Friends, Teachers and Family

I guess I have made something of a name for myself as the "healthy hippie chick." During the summer, my best friend Taylor and I hosted a boot camp open to anyone. Only one of my teachers (and her husband, at one point!) came, but it was still TONS of fun!
I have worked out with her after school this year too. I also have worked out with some other family and friends (I got my momma to do a Bob Harper DVD with me once!)
New Gym Membership
Though I have improved my fitness and made progress working out at home all these years, I have been ready for a while to step it up and be able to access heavier weights at a real gym. I am SO HAPPY this finally happened this past month!!

Now me and Taylor can take as many selfies as we desire.
New Friends

I am so happy to have met Abby from Yes to Yummy. She is a fellow teenager who eats and cooks healthy, and is SO adorable, and sweet. I hope we can get to know each other better come 2014.
School Spirit

I didn't do much for Homecoming my freshmen year. This year, I really went all out! This picture, my friend and I dressed up from the 50's for Throwback Thursday.

I went to the dance this year, too.
New Workouts

Thank the heavens for Bob Harper. I love this man.
I also love Tatianna from Loving Fit. This girl knows how to kick my butt.
Crow Pose (well, a few seconds of it!)
Some days are better than others. At least I know I can do it without -always- falling on my face!
An Undying Love for MUSTARD

Lay it all on me.
After all the fun of 2013, what could I be hoping for come the new year?
Well, I have a few goals. I will list them below in no particular order.
1) Stress LESS!
Thank you Abby for reminding me of this! I am always SO hard on myself. With grades, my training, food... I never seem to be able to just be happy. Sometimes being a perfectionist can come in handy. But other times, it just drives me crazy.
This year, I want to be able to feel comfortable in my own skin, and accept my body, my grades, and myself! I always do the best that I can, and sometimes, that is all that is needed (instead of 'perfection', per say).
2) Gain MUSCLE!
Now that I have a gym membership, I am READY to gain MUSCLE! I hope to start a training program from Krissy Mae Cagney, a super fit, super certified, super awesome trainer that I admire and trust to know her stuff!
3) Heal My GUT!
I haven't really discussed this much, but my stomach is in need of some repair.
I have always had a really sensitive tummy. I cut out red meat in 4th grade and that seemed to help. However, flash forward 6 years... I still don't eat red meat, yet my stomach seems to still bother me.
(TMI ALERT!) I get bloated. I feel gross. I can't exactly go to the bathroom in an easy manner... sigh. Perhaps I need to cut out grains? Gluten?
Or maybe... rethink my eating all together? I tend to not eat much meat. But I think honestly, my body might react more positively to meat than I have previously thought.
In any case, this year I plan on healing my tummy. I am tired of feeling... tired! ;)
This one is pretty self explanatory! I have finished my class times. Now to tackle those nasty drive times!
I will be blogging all year long, and as I try to complete these goals, I will update you.
What did you accomplish in 2013?
What are your 2014 GOALS?
Natalie, you are such a wonderful girl and I am so happy to have met you, too. :) I can't wait for our adventures in 2014 together! <3
Natalie! I love your post! You are beautiful and we have so much in common! I'm addicted to mustard, lol and French's has the BEST!
I also love Bob Harper! His DVDs are my fave!!
Plus , I've got the same goals as you with your tummy. I found I do fine with oats but everything else hurts. I do great with fish though. Veggies are up and down for me. Fruit is a huge no no and yogurt is good in small portions. Sugar and gluten are definitely out for me though.
I would love to hear what you find works! I found cutting out yogurt just made mine worse and all the supplements I take should help, but don't always.
I hope you have a great start to a new year and I wish the best for you!��
2014 will bring wonderful things, I just know it Abby! <3
Thank you so much for your sweet comments Heather :)
I can't do dairy at all, I know this (I tried some goat cheese, thinking even goat may be different, over Thanksgiving and it didn't go well).
I stay away from wheat, and I -think- other grains I am fine with. Right now I am just very uncomfortable. I don't want to cut out beans all together, but am heading that way because that might be the culprit. I want to try doing this, and if I do reintroduce them, I will be SURE to sprout them (grains too) before eating.
I will for sure update you on what is working for me :) Tell me if you find anything that works for your tummy this year as well! <3
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