Holy. Actual. Heck. I AM HURTING.
54321 Deadlift: 6 rounds at 110#
2x1 115#, 2x1 130#, 1x1 140# !!!
Tbar row: 3x2-3 90#!! 3x2-4 85#, 3x3-4 80# 3x5-8 75#
Single arm row ES: 3x10
Lat pulldown: around 50#, 3x6
straight arm pulldown: went from 15#-25#, 3x8-10
So. Sore. Power yoga time!!
Again I did about 6 circuits composed of 3-4 leg and plyometrics moves, for 10 reps each. Then I ended with this blogilates video:
Battle Ropes and CHEST!
DB press: 2x1 30# DBS, 4x6 25# DBS
Single arm cable fly: 2x12 up 5#, 2x5 mid 10#
Single arm incline DB press: 4x8-5 20#
Legs. Today my Polar HRM was acting up (maybe because of the humid weather here in TX?) and it didn't save my workout! Poo. It also was reading that I had only burned around 250kcal after my LEG workout (its usually around 400 on leg day). Not that calories are the issue here, just that I think I was working harder than that!
54321 back squat: 4 rounds 75#
3x5 85#, 3x2-3 95#
Front squats: 1x3 70# 3x3 65#, 2x3 55#
Back squat holds, 1x8 45#
BSL ES: 50# 2x10
Cable kick ES: 15# 2x10
Glute bridge: 25-30# 2x20
Single leg deadlift ES: 1x10 30#
single leg lunge and kick ES 1x10 30#
cable kick ES: 1x10 15#
Leg ext: 3x10 100#, dropset max 160#

I did a HIIT circuit and finished up with some biceps and triceps. Like what.
(Note... 3 days later my arms still hurt.)
I started my day off with 16 minutes of HIIT intervals, rotating between burpee variations and plyometric moves.
Later I headed to the gym for shoulders... I learned a hang clean, which I've been too scared to try on my own. A friend at the gym helped me.
Pushpress barbell: 60# 3x1, 55# 3x2-3, 50# 3x4-6, 45#3x7-8
KB high pull: 3x10 30#
Single arm snatch ES: 3x10-15 #15-18
DB burnout 3x10 ES 10# DBS
barbell hang clean: 3x5 45#
leaning side raise 15# 3x10 ES
Facepulls: 3x10 35
Fly: 3x10 12# DBS

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