Diatta Harris
Femme Fitale Fit Club
Facebook: http://facebook.com/femmefitalefitness
Twitter: http://twitter.com/dstprl
Sheila Simmons
The Frugal Exerciser
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Laurend1985
Twitter: http://twitter.com/eathardworkhard
Instagram: http://instagram.com/eathard_workhard
Fitness and Health Videos, Posts, and More that I am Loving
Emily's video she posted recently was AMAZING! She is such a sweetheart. I adore her fitness philosophies and her down to earth personality.
Why paying attention to your body is the best diet of all
Vegan Strawberry Milkshakes from Yes to Yummy When will Abby just stop being so perfect?!
Single Leg Deadlifts I've been using these lately in my leg workouts and LOVE them. I like adding single limb movements so that I can ensure both sides of my body are strong equally... I am naturally right side dominant!
Don't forget to link up with us!!
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